Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Bucket List (Bucket Book)

Words of Advice 
  1. Don’t try to write it all at once. It is an evolution..a working document.
  2. Think outside the box. Think random - you have a lifetime to fulfil these goals!
  3. Target different areas of your life. Travel, hobbies, finances, careers, relationships, activities, these are all great things to consider when building out a lifetime list. 
  4. Break it into two items.  I want to learn to Tango - Do the Tango in Argentina! Having a purpose for the locations you want to travel to can make your trip that much more fulfilling when you actually accomplish it.
  5. Read other people’s lists. (43things, Project 183, Sean Ogle's blog)
  6. Choose easy, cheaper,goals - it will give you a sense of accomplishment
  7. Include something you can do TODAY. Don't think "some-day" - think "today" There are plenty of things you can do right now that you have always said you wanted to do, but just never made the time to start.  Well now is that time.
  8. Post it publicly. Do a blog!
  9. Set goals. i.e. do 5 things per year, or everything by the time you are 50.
  10. Use both broad and targeted goals.i.e go to NYC - "do something newsworthy"

Have fun! The whole idea is to start making steps to do the things you want to do with your life. So don’t stress about it - if you are finding it hard to accomplish a particular goal, work on something else!  

You do have some time...but best to start today!

Thank you Sean Ogle for these tips - my "Bucket Book" is in the works!